North Quay
North Quay317 meter quay, depth alongside 12 meters; ro-ro ramp 30 meters wide; high-pressure disinfected water supplies through 6” tubes (450.000 litres/hrs.). ISPS approved terminal. ...
North Quay317 meter quay, depth alongside 12 meters; ro-ro ramp 30 meters wide; high-pressure disinfected water supplies through 6” tubes (450.000 litres/hrs.). ISPS approved terminal. ...
West QuayDedicated terminal for container ships, general cargo, fish landing and cruise ships. There are 300 metres of quay with a depth alongside of 8.75 metres. Maximum length of ship 160 metres LOA. ...
Kósin QuayDedicated terminal for fish landing and general cargo. The terminal has a total quay length of 267 metres, with a depth alongside of 8 metres. Maximum length of ship 180 metres LOA. ...
Fuel QuayTanker terminal with a quay length of 55 metres including a dolph albue. The quay has a depth alongside of 8 metres and tankers up to 6000 tonnes can be handled. ...